
Archaeology of a Little House on the Prairie

Blue Earth County History Center 424 Warren Street, Mankato, MN, United States

This two-day workshop for teachers of grades 3-8 will connect you to the past through a Project Archaeology shelter investigation of an historic farmhouse in the prairie setting of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s book series: Mankato and Walnut Grove, MN.


Investigate the Puzzle House Pueblo at Canyons of the Ancients

Canyons of the Ancients Visitor Center 27501 CO-184, Dolores, Colorado, United States

Investigating the Puzzle House Pueblo incorporates authentic archaeological and historical research paired with oral histories to teach students about the use and importance of the Pueblo in the past and present lives of Hopi people.


‘Olas Kii Pithouse Teacher Workshop

Community Foundation of Southern Arizona Meeting Room 5049 E. Broadway Blvd., Tuscon, AZ, United States

This six-hour workshop will demonstrate how investigating an archaeological dig of a Native American pithouse, using the tools of scientific inquiry, helps students understand past people and cultures.


Investigating Food and Land Teacher Workshop

Las Vegas Natural History Museum 900 Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV, United States

FREE 3rd – 8th Grade Teacher Workshop. Discover the past through evidence from an archaeological site in Nevada! Join us for a FREE three-day teacher workshop to explore the intersections of culture, food, people, and the environment.


Investigating a Roman Villa Teacher Workshop

Purdue University 700 Mitch Daniels Blvd., West Lafayette, IN, United States

FREE 6th-12th Grade Teacher Workshop. This three-day workshop will demonstrate how to use Project Archaeology: Investigating A Roman Villa curriculum to achieve educational goals in the delivery of social studies, history, science, and the visual arts.


Investigating Rock Art: Painted Bluff Teacher Workshop

Ditto Landing 293 Ditto Landing Rd SE, Huntsville, AL, United States

Discover the past through evidence from a rock art site in Alabama! Join us for a FREE 3 day teacher workshop to explore the intersections of art, culture, and the past. This curriculum engages upper-elementary teachers and their students.


Bears Ears Archaeology Teacher Workshop

Bears Ears Education Center 567 W Main Street, Bluff, UT, United States

Free 3rd-8th Grade Teacher Workshop! Investigate an Ancestral Puebloan archaeological site from the classroom and learn about the people and cultures living in the region today.


Investigate Archaeology and a Great Basin Wickiup

Klamath County Museum 1451 Main Street, Klamath Falls, OR, United States

FREE 3rd – 8th Grade Teacher Workshop. Discover the past through evidence from an archaeological site in Oregon! Investigate a Great Basin wickiup and learn about the Paiute people (some of whom are part of the Klamath Tribes).


Investigating Shelter Teacher Workshop

Canyons of the Ancients Visitor Center 27501 CO-184, Dolores, Colorado, United States

FREE Grades 3-5 Teacher Workshop Are you interested in expanding your knowledge on cultural sensitivity,


National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference

Experience an full-day workshop on Thursday, November 21st at the National Council for the Social Studies annual conference in Boston. "Investigating American History Through Archaeology and Oral Tradition"