Our Project Archaeology Blog

Our Project Archaeology Blog



Thinking about Today – Investigating A Wintu Roundhouse

With Investigating a Wintu Roundhouse, there is no exception. Students learn about roundhouses and Wintu architecture as well as the importance of the roundhouse to the Wintu people. Roundhouses were important in the past and they are still important and used for ceremonies today.  All roundhouses were round and built into the ground.  They were... Continue reading

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“Essential” became an important word in 2020. What if someone asked, “is archaeology essential?” Archaeology provides an intimate way of learning about the past. Continue reading

Rock Art Fremont State Park

Discover the Past

In 1990, a team of archaeologists and educators distributed the first version of the educational materials that would eventually become the national Project Archaeology program. Continue reading

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Our History, Our New Journey

Project Archaeology is a national archaeology education program founded by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) for educators and their students. It was developed in the early 1990s for three purposes: to develop awareness of our nation’s diverse and fragile archaeological sites, to instill a sense of personal responsibility for stewardship of these sites, and to enhance science literacy and cultural understanding through the study of archaeology.  The program began in Utah in 1990 as a statewide project to combat the vandalism and looting of archaeological sites.  Continue reading