Intrigue of the Past: Discovering Archaeology in Colorado was published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). It was a joint project between the BLM, Colorado Heritage Society, the Southwest Board of Cooperative Services, Cortez, and the San Juan Board of Cooperative Services, Durango. Supports the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, and Science.
Introduction to Educators
How to Use This Book
Illustration Credits
- Keet of the Paleo-Indian Period
- Pana-Toosi of the Archaic Period
- Povi of the Ancient Pueblo People
- Little Hawk of the Fremont
- Wolf, Little Bear, and the Ute Bear Dance
- Plains Indians: Little Willow of the Cheyenne
- Susan’s Visit and the Mining Period
- Iron Horses: The Colorado Railroads
- Doris: Homesteading on the Colorado Plains
- Hayboys & Cowboys: Ranching in Colorado
- Student Glossary
- Teacher Lesson Plans
- References
- Resource Guide
- Evaluation Form
- Index