"Investigating Rock Art is a great introduction to the study of rock art in archaeology, and I think it will inspire students to learn more about archaeology and help foster an appreciation for rock art and our shared heritage" --Candice Cravins, Alabama archaeologist and museum educator
Instructions for the Teacher
The teacher's document is 12 pages, consisting of background information and sections corresponding with the student notebook. It includes a brief history of Medicine Rocks State Park and the rock art present there. Photographs and drawings of the art from the State Park are provided for students to study and use.
Student Archaeological Notebook
The student notebook is 14 pages of articles and activities about the rock art present in Medicine Rocks State Park. Dr. Urbaniak, Sabre Moore, and Sandy Repplinger guide students through the investigation. Through archaeology, the study of rock art, and oral histories students learn about the importance of rock art in past and present communities.
When you buy Investigating Medicine Rocks you will also receive the essential companion product: Project Archaeology Investigating Rock Art.
Project Archaeology: Investigating Rock Art provides teachers and students with three fundamental lessons on rock art and archaeology. With this prerequisite, students are ready for Lesson Four, an investigation of rock art from a different part of the United States, such as Medicine Rocks State Park. Finally, in Lesson Five of Investigating Rock Art students learn the enduring understand that stewardship of archaeological sites and artifacts is everyone's responsibility. Taught together, Investigating Rock Art and "Investigating Medicine Rocks" is a complete, comprehensive unit that truly allows for a deep understanding of archaeology and rock art.