Learn about a Neolithic dwelling in Iraq and the lives of people in ancient Mesopotamia
Investigating a Neolithic Dwelling at Jarmo incorporates authentic archaeological and historical research paired with maps and artifacts to teach students about the people who lived during the Neolithic Revolution.
Discover the past through evidence from an archaeological site in Iraq! In this investigation students will use geography, history, and archaeology to learn about a Neolithic dwelling and the lives of people in ancient Mesopotamia. Examine primary sources, artifacts, and maps of the Jarmo site to understand the Neolithic Revolution. Students “uncover” a real archaeological site, classify artifacts, and infer how the geographic area of the Middle East shaped the dwellings. Explore the use of traditional mudbrick architecture today with Professor Salma Samar Damluji, an Iraqi architect. Engage students in a debate on a current civic dilemma involving archaeology and preservation.
Instructions for the Teacher:
The teacher’s document is 32 pages, consisting of background information and four sections corresponding with the student archaeology notebook. It includes a brief history of Jarmo. Quadrant maps of the light station site are provided for students to study how the dwelling was used by people who lived there.
Student Archaeology Notebook:
The student notebook is 32 pages of informational texts and data collection sheets about the Neolithic Revolution and a dwelling at Jarmo. Professor Salma Samar Damluji, an Iraqi architect informs students how ancient techniques are used today in modern architecture. To understand the lives of the people of Jarmo students investigate the objects they used, the plants and animals they cultivated and domesticated, and the landscape they inhabited. The students will learn how an archaeological site is interpreted, why it is important today, and how to preserve it for future generations to enjoy. The investigation contains all of the data sources and analytical tools the students will need to investigate a Neolithic Dwelling from the historical, archaeological, and cultural perspectives.

The password is the first word on page 79 of the Project Archaeology: Investigating Shelter curriculum guide.