Early life in Colorado at the Red Army Rock Shelter Site!
Investigating a Rock Shelter teaches students about early life in Northwestern Colorado through authentic archaeological research conducted on the Red Army Rock Shelter Site.
Instructions for the Teacher:
The teacher’s document is 30 pages, consisting of background information and four sections corresponding with the student notebook. It includes details about the excavations at the Red Army Rock Shelter site, as well as artifacts found and interpretations of the site. Quadrant maps from the archaeological site are provided for students.
Student Archaeology Notebook:
The student notebook is 29 pages of articles and activities about the Red Army Rock Shelter. Mr. Clifford Duncan, a Ute Elder, guides students through this investigation. Through archaeology, students discover artifacts left behind, how to analyze rock art, and why rock shelter sites are important to archaeologists and living descendants.
The password is the first word on page 79 of the Project Archaeology: Investigating Shelter curriculum guide.